Below is a list of conference vendors for the 2025 homeschool conference.
Vendor Hall Hours
Friday, April 4. Open from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 5. Open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Scroll through to see all 2025 vendors so far!
More about our 2025 conference
How to support our vendors
Each vendor comes to support our local homeschool community. To some extent, this is a mission to them.
But all missions need to make money, and they have business decisions to make like other businesses. Without our vendors, we couldn’t have a conference.
In contrast, buying from “big box” or other online stores will not benefit KC-area homeschoolers. In fact, it may even draw resources away from them.
If this is your first time coming to our conference…
Plan at least 1-2 passes through the vendor hall, to get the most from your experience.
Also, take a moment to visit personally with the people at the booths. Many of them are homeschoolers too and have asked the same questions you have during their journey.
It’s not too late to be a vendor!
Please click here to learn more about being a vendor at the 2025 Homeschool Conference and Curriculum fair.
FAQs about conference vendors
Many reasons may apply, including:
1) Some vendors who used to come no longer travel or have circumstances preventing them from currently participating.
2) Other curriculum companies require a paid speaking engagement to have a vendor booth, so we can’t have them every year.
3) Some longtime curriculum providers have made hard financial decisions to no longer attend the MPE conference.
The best way to have a vendor come to our conference is for our members to reach out to them and let them know they are missed and wanted. Many have their conference/speaking schedule on their website.
Send our vendor page along with your request: 2025 Conference Vendors – Midwest Parent Educators (MPE) (