Pizza Dinner is provided on Thursday night (at the Orangewood Inn) and on
MPE Kids Youth Volunteer
Be a part of the MPEKids program! (Ages 13+)
Whether you’re managing a clipboard while playing a rousing game of Red Light/Green Light, running here and there to take kids to the bathroom and replenish craft supplies, or just ensuring the overall safety of the kids; we can ensure you will be a valuable part of the MPE Kids Team! Find out how you can serve at the conference and sign-up today!
MPE Youth Leadership Team
Youth Leadership Team (YLT) positions provide great experience behind the scenes in running an event and for your resume or college applications. Team members have opportunities to work in registration, serve in the vendor hall, introduce workshop speakers, provide A/V support, and more. Volunteers are needed both Friday and Saturday.
As in past years, youth ages 13 and older are welcome to apply to be a YLT member whether they are available for one of the conference days or both. However, please be aware that team placement and responsibilities may be adjusted based on individual availability.
Here are the two simple steps to submitting your YLT application:
- Apply by March 1, 2025:
Click here to apply for Youth Leadership Team - Send this link to two separate individuals who have worked with you in service/ministry/leadership (not family or peers) to complete and submit recommendations for you by March 1st: