Enjoy some of the great homeschool conference feedback we’ve received so far, gleaned from attendee surveys. Thanks to all who attended, both online and in person!
NOTE: We still have lost-and-found items, including a Jeep key fob left at our MPEKIDS desk. Please contact us or comment below if you can help us return them.
You can also see a Facebook photo album here.
Workshops and speakers
- “A couple of the workshops were incredibly helpful and my favorite part. I do love being able to pick up special things to add to our curriculum, one of my favorites this year was the poster sized coloring pages to color while listening to that audiobook. … I always prebuy the mp3 recordings and after the conference is over, listen to the workshops I missed, that might end up being my favorite thing.”

- “Workshops are always my favorite. Loved that we had a talk about single moms homeschooling! It’s nice to know we aren’t alone!”
- “It was our first time going & I loved that there were workshops solely focused on raising boys. Having 2 boys myself I struggle a lot with figuring out how to connect with them in a way that is suited for them.”
- “I did take something from each workshop. Hearing from others and their experiences were an encouragement to me.”
- “I really enjoyed the session on high school and the one about protecting homeschool freedom.”
- “The speakers, especially Stephanie Smith!”
- “Workshops, particularly Daniel Schwabauer, and job data.”
- “Awesome workshops. Love seeing the different products in the vendor hall.”
- “The supernatural selection workshop was fascinating. Absolutely my favorite.”
- “Stephanie McPhilomy’s session on homemaking & homeschooling was tremendous and I will be implementing several of her ideas!”
Vendor hall
- “It’s encouraging to see other moms and dads looking through curriculum, diligently seeking materials to equip them for this work we’ve been called to. It blesses me and spurs me on knowing we’re not alone!”
- “The best part was that all the vendors I wanted to see were there and I ordered almost all of my curriculum in one day. It is so encouraging to go. I feel like I get my battery recharged for the next school year.”

- “I always love walking through the vendor hall. The classes are always great!”
- “This year my favorite parts were the vendor hall and the workshops. I found a number of workshops that helped focus my thoughts about the state of homeschooling I am currently in. I also found new vendors and lots of encouragement. Every year God uses this conference to meet me wherever I am in my home school journey and bring me blessings.”
- “The vendor hall was full of a great variety of groups, organizations and shops.”
- “The workshops were great but this year I really appreciated the help I received from vendors as I was researching different curriculum options and resources. They were so kind and helpful, it really helped relieve my stress.”
Other conference feedback highlights
- “I really appreciated the Learning Screening this year! Very helpful information was shared during those! My children also LOVED the kids program, which for this mama, is so wonderful! They didn’t want to leave.”

- “I loved connecting with other homeschooling moms.”
- “We will be getting a child tested for Dyslexia and use a lot of what I learned at the workshop to help her, and I will definitely use some of what I learned at the lesson plans to laundry workshop as well.”
- “I learned about parenting with grace and will be trying to implement that. I also connected with a chiropractor who works with kids who have developmental issues and I hope to start treatments with him for a little guy that I help educate.”
- “I’m going to incorporate a lot more read alouds and story telling (by both myself and my kids) in the coming months and hopefully years.”
- “I really needed to hear the message that I need to become a student of my children. I heard it 3 different times.”
- “The conference is always a great and timely ‘reset button’ for me. When I start to get off track, it helps me back to where I need to be.”
- “I’m super grateful for all y’all’s hard work and dedication. I know putting this event together each year is no small task, and it is always such a blessing to so many. Thank you so much!”
- “I very much appreciate the hard work of everyone involved. I cannot begin to imagine what an immense undertaking it must be. Thank you.”
We have updated this blog post, originally published in 2016, for timeliness and detail.