With increased interest in homeschooling over the last few months, many families are doing research to see whether this is something they want to pursue this fall.
You can get a head start by doing some homeschool research over the summer. Here are 7 ideas:
1. Talk to friends or family who homeschool
Learning from others you trust is a great place to start if you know anyone who is homeschooling, or has homeschooled. They may have tips and insights that you don’t find anywhere else from living the experience.
Think about your network and reach out to people who you think would be honest and give you a well-rounded look into their homeschooling.
If you don’t know anyone personally who is homeschooling, not to worry. There are many other ways to research homeschooling over the summer!
2. Familiarize yourself with your state’s laws
Each state is unique in its requirements as it regards homeschooling. Getting an idea of what these are, even at the high level, will help prepare you should you decide to proceed with homeschooling.
For local families in the Kansas City area, check out our informational pages on homeschooling requirements in Kansas and Missouri.
3. Learn about local resources/support available during the school year
One misconception about homeschooling that can sometimes arise is that it is an isolating, lonely way to school your children.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Take some time this summer to dive into research regarding what local resources and support organizations or groups your community has.
In Kansas City, there are many options from co-ops to online groups for encouragement and connection. See our list of homeschool enrichment / co-op / athletic programs available here.
4. Research educational opportunities about homeschooling
There are so many resources out there nowadays to learn about homeschooling. Some locations may have in-person conferences or workshops that you can attend to learn more.
Many websites and virtual events offer a wealth of information too. A great national-level website to check out about homeschooling is the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).
5. Consider your child’s unique learning style and curriculum options
Every child is different and there is no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to homeschooling.
In fact, that is one of the greatest benefits of schooling at home. You can tailor the educational experience to how your child learns.
As for curriculum, there are so many options out there today it can be overwhelming at first. Taking some time over the summer to look at some of the choices will help you decide what would work best for your child.
6. Find extracurricular classes for topics outside your experience
Just because you decide to homeschool doesn’t necessarily mean that you must be your child’s only teacher.
Many homeschoolers take art lessons, music lessons and participate in sports taught by professional experts in their field.
Take some time to look into what is available in your area. You might be surprised and excited by what you find!
Related article: 5 Ideas For Homeschool Extracurricular Activities
In the Kansas City area, many of our extracurricular options are highlighted in the MPE newsletter, which is emailed to our members 10 times a year.
7. Attend our how-to-homeschool webinar!
Our next “How to Homeschool” webinar will be at 10 a.m. July 13 to answer all your questions!
The workshop will help you set expectations, meet legal requirements, and tailor curriculum to your unique family. Explore ways to organize your homeschool as a busy homeschool mom and teach multiple grade levels as needed. You will leave with the resources and confidence you need to begin or continue your homeschool journey!
With all that is going on in the world right now, it is understandable that so many are giving homeschooling another look as an educational option for their family.
Taking steps over the summer to research further will help you decide if it is right for your family.
And if you are in the Kansas City area and decide this is the path for you, we’d love to provide you with more information on your journey!
Guest post by Lian Lange
We have updated this blog post, originally published in 2020, for timeliness and detail.