Homeschooling creates some of the best youth entrepreneurs we know! They tend to be:
- Smart (taught at an early age to think independently)
- Frugal (testing concepts and opportunities within limited budgets)
- Perseverant (working odd hours and around the clock)
- Friendly (interacting with different age ranges easily and politely)
But don’t take our word for it. Come see them for yourselves at our conference in April!
This April, we’re thrilled to host the MPE Youth Entrepreneurial Program (YEP) in our vendor hall.
This section of booths started in 2011. It’s entirely run by area homeschooled youth ages 13-18, who are striving to practice their entrepreneurial skills.
Participants each receive half a booth, which features half an 8-foot table, a chair, and a tablecloth. They have the same schedule as the regular vendor hall (Thursday setup, 5-8 p.m.; Friday, 9-6 p.m.; Saturday, 9-5 p.m., then tear down).
Over the years, our program has included the following youth entrepreneurs:
- Bishop Brothers Blacksmithing/Prudent Pockets
- Forget-me-not
- Nutriplant Agriculture
- JT Pens
- Irregular Joe
- The Resurrection Garden
Please stop by these booths and show your support!
We have updated this blog post, originally published in 2015, for timeliness and detail.